If a person wants to start a WordPress blog in 2024, can he earn money? So the answer will be “yes”. He can still make money by WordPress blogging in 2024 as there is a lot of potential in Blogging and the biggest thing is that internet-based users are growing rapidly.
So there will always be a market for blogs and websites. So definitely it is possible to make huge money from blogging and anyone can make a profitable blog with their content quality.
If you are on YouTube there are a lot of money-making schemes that are a combination of fake and genuine videos of making money but you can’t neglect blogging as you can see many people are already earning huge incomes from blogging without any single doubt but you have to keep patience and constant. These are two things to survive.
In my opinion, you should keep 3-4 hours daily besides your main work. when you see that income is coming, you can leave your main work but not instantly based on the situation. You should leave your main work when you see there is a constant 4-5 times better income.
If it is not constant in terms of earnings, then you should not leave your main job. In short take it as an enjoyable secondary job like a passion, not a profession for the first 1-2 years.
Otherwise, you will fall behind. Don’t read this blog if you want to make money from day one. It’s a time-consuming process, You should see it as a tree plantation from seed to a huge tree. If you have patience and constancy. Then you can go ahead.
What is a WordPress Blogging?
Blogging means content writing in any niche that you are an expert in or love to write, When it is written on a WordPress website is called WordPress blogging.
For example, If you are a doctor and you know a lot of information about the problems of patients then you can start a WordPress blog website and in this case, you can earn double the income, Such as by attracting your patients to make an appointment through your website.
Another way to make money is from the internet such as Google AdSense where you can show ads and make money, Alternative to Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsor Ads, Advertising on your website, etc.
So there is no limit to ways of earning if you are on the right path. Don’t worry you don’t have to be a doctor to income from your specialist if you are new you can also make money from blogging. You can go with internet income although you don’t have anything but only writing skills.
There are 1000 of ways of monetizing your WordPress blog and you can follow my website blog monetization category where you will get updated news of monetization from my website.
How to Start a WordPress Blog and Make Money
Now I am sharing the practical knowledge of a successful blogger who is earning millions of money by maintaining 20-25 websites. he started blogs at the age of 15 and now he is 21 or 22.
If he can do so. You also have the potential to earn but need to be focused, Patient, and constant. If you don’t have these qualities in you, You can’t earn huge from blogging. Here I am going to explain the step-by-step process of blogging.
How to Select Your Niche:
Niche means a topic in which you are going to write your WordPress blog. But before selecting a niche you have to be careful as it all depends on your niche to make money from a WordPress blog website.
Broad Niche:
For Example, In my industry, Digital Marketing is a broad niche and I can write lakhs of articles in this niche. So it is too broad a niche, We have to select a smaller niche.
Micro Niche
In the digital marketing niche again there are also sub-niches. Such as SEO, SMM, SEM, Content Marketing, Website Marketing, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Video Marketing, PPC Marketing etc. So it is also the middle type of niche. If I select only SEO-related topics again I can write thousands of articles on this topic.
Nano Niche:
In the SEO niche, I can also write about on-page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO, Local SEO, keyword research, Backlinks, Content Optimization, etc. I can also write 100 WordPress blogs in this niche per topic.
Choose A niche:
So which niche do we have to select to start a WordPress blog and make money from it? If you want to build authority on your website you should go with the nano niche. In your case, nano niche can be different, Suppose you are a hospital owner and there are different kinds of doctors in your hospital, you can’t promote all doctors at once by providing solutions with your WordPress blog to your patients.
So the doctor is a broad niche, at first you should start with a dentist which is a nano or micro niche. You can write solutions for your patients who are suffering from different types of pain. You can write how to remove cavities, What is a home remedy, etc.
After covering 360 degrees of a particular topic you should move to another nano/micro-niche. Thus the visitors who come to your website will visit again and again for any kind of Tooth-related solutions and they also recommend your website to their friends and family as you provide genuine solutions.
In my suggestion, you should always start a WordPress blog with a nano niche because nowadays a micro niche is also so big that you can write thousands of articles and if you target a micro niche, your audience will be confused and won’t visit again or less visit.
Another example to clarify you more is that tech blog is broad niche>Laptop is micro niche> Laptop for students, Laptop under budget, Laptop of a particular company, How to install hardware on particular company laptop, if you are promoting Apple laptop write all things about apple to cover it up that is also nano niche for blogging. Such as How to install this particular software on a MAC.
Thus you have so many blogs on your laptop in the nano niche. note: I am just taking the name of a laptop to describe to you the fact, Don’t start writing in this niche, You should start a WordPress blog with a nano niche that you love to write.
Otherwise, you can’t shine as you know 360 degrees and can know from the internet and provide valuable content to your audience in a particular nano niche.
Platform to Start a Blog – WordPress vs Blogger:
Blogger is a platform where you can start a blog for free and earn money and WordPress is a platform where you can also start a WordPress blog and make money professionally. But the main difference between these two platforms is that you can start blogging with Blogger without investing a single penny.
On the other hand, if you want to start a WordPress blog, you have to purchase a domain and good hosting. So which one do you have to select? In my opinion, you should go with a WordPress blog. Because there are so many companies that invest and earn millions of money in blogging to work professionally.
So in tough competition, it’s better to have your own website rather than posting another property like a blogger and it’s not too expensive to start a WordPress blog you may pay $20-30 yearly for domain & hosting and continue with a free theme and if you have a good budget you can go with the premium theme as well which may cost $30-$40 one time fee.
In short, If you are a student and you don’t have money to start a blog you can go with a blogger to practice but it’s better to start a WordPress blog to build authority quickly as compared to a blogger. Then you can also start a WordPress blog and make money with a free theme by purchasing the domain and hosting at a low price yearly.
Many big entrepreneurs start their journey with WordPress blogging as it is the starting point of your IT world where you can generate more and more income. After entering this blogging world, You will see many more ways to income that you even can’t imagine.
How to Select Relevant Niche:
We can income from two sources mostly. First of adsense secondly with affiliate marketing. Besides, there are many ways of monetizing your blog but these two things are the most popular way. So we should choose a niche that is relevant to our industry & interest and also has to select an evergreen topic.
Here evergreen means that the topic you select will also continue in the future or they have good searches on Google in the future as well. Good searches don’t mean you have to target big-volume keywords. You see a topic search volume of 1000/10000 per month and if you start targeting these keywords you won’t rank on Google SERPs with your blog.
So in my opinion, As your website is new you should target 10-20 volume keywords per article. If you write 30 articles that volume of 20 searches per month. Then your visitors will be 20*30=600 which is good enough visitors for your new website.
The interesting part of blogging is that you can think I will write 30 content to get only 600 visitors but once you rank small keywords, it will also rank related keywords in your content automatically. Then you will get 5000/6000 visitors instead of 600 visitors when you see your domain authority is increasing then you can target 20-30, then 30-40 volume keywords.
I know it will be difficult to understand all of the things at once but if you give time to learning you can be an expert in ⅚ months in content writing. So you need to enter this world and there are infinite possibilities of earning if you keep patience and consistency.
Choose A Domain Name:
If you want to start a WordPress blog and make money, you should buy a domain name. A domain name should be relevant to what topic you are covering and when you purchase a domain name you should not keep it as a nano niche.
Here I want to teach you that if you are a dentist doctor and if you keep your domain name dentisor.com then you have to post only dental-related posts. You can’t go with other posts in the future but if you keep your domain name broad you can also write more niche in the future.
In short, to expand in the future after covering your nano niche you have to go with micro niche as well. So you can choose the domain name thinking about the future. You can also go with a random name like Amazon, it all depends on your marketing strategy and brand recognition in the future.
Choose A Hosting Provider:
We can think of a domain name as a document of a property and hosting is a space or place where we will build our property. So you have to choose the best hosting provider so that if we face any hosting-related problem it will be solved in a minute by contacting support.
However, finding a good hosting provider is not an easy task. I have got Hostinger after using or wasting money on other hosting companies in the long run.
WordPress Free Theme or Paid Theme:
WordPress theme is like a building. You have purchased documents of your building (domain), space, or place of your building (hosting), Now it’s time to make your building with design (theme).
Initially, you can go with a free theme to start a WordPress blog as there are a lot of free themes that just let you use their theme with some basic or good design with some limitations like having their theme name in the footer of the website that indicates that you are using a free theme, Nothing else.
It’s not a big problem but if you can afford some extra cost $30-$40 for a lifetime then you should go with premium as a premium theme will provide you more functionalities and premium design as well.
Website Customization:
After all of that, you need to customize your website with your information so that it will replace website demos with your own data or information. Here you can customize every option according to your own placement.
For example, you have built your property but a signboard is written with other names, You can change it in theme customization. You see the windows of the flat are not in the right place you can change them here.
In short, you can make your website with your own rules in this section.
Content Writing:
After completing your website you can start your content writing according to your nano niche. You should write 20-30 content according to your niche to monetize with AdSense or other Affiliate platforms.
Don’t worry we will cover every sub-title in this blog separately and deeply so that you can understand blogging and monetize your WordPress blog in different ways. But in my opinion, if you keep a leg ahead of blogging you will see your ways to walk.
If you can’t give your 1-2 years as a part-time then you should not start blogging only after seeing others’ income and you need guidance to achieve blogging success. I will help you as much as possible if you contact me on my contact page for a free consultation. Don’t worry I won’t take a single penny from you.
How to Make Money with a WordPress Blog
Now I am going to tell you how can you make money with a WordPress blog. There are thousands of ways to make money with your WordPress blog but in this article, I will explain major ways of making money so that you can earn well.
I have a blog monetization category where I always write in-depth articles on a single platform to make money online. Thus you can get infinite ways of making money from your WordPress blog. But before starting to earn money you should post 20-30 articles on your blog website and get some traffic from search engines and social media as well.
You should also follow my digital marketing tips where I also provide how to get visitors and increase domain authority tips and if you have any problem you can also contact me for a free consultation. I will try my best to help you if I am free. So you will get a full package of making money with a WordPress blog from my website.
Display Ads:
Display ads mean to show ads on your WordPress blog website and it brings the impression of your visitors and if they like it they might click your ads and redirect to another website or a landing page of your own. The most powerful display ad is Google AdSense.
It will show ads to those people who are already interested in their ads and it helps to maximize your conversion as it gives you more dollars if people will click on their ads and it also provides some dollars based on impressions who didn’t click but see ads on your website.
Pro tips: Write 20-30 articles on your blog with nano or micro niches that apply for Google ads. Target your audience in Tier 1,2,3 countries like the USA, UK, etc. Where people give you more dollars instead of targeting low-tier countries where people don’t want to give much.
Initially, you can also apply for alternatives to Google AdSense like Monetag or other platforms. But You should focus on writing articles, providing value to your audience by writing helpful and informative blogs, and increasing visitors.
Otherwise, there is no point in getting display ads to make money with your WordPress blog as you can’t income more. You can also learn how to monetize with montage for a new website so that you can know the system initially.
Affiliate Marketing:
Affiliate marketing means that you will promote other products and get some commission if someone purchases their product through your link. For example, in the display ads paragraph, you can see I placed a link to Monetag, if you sign up through my link I will get a percentage commission on what will you earn in the future.
I wrote a helpful WordPress blog for you and placed a Monetag link so that you can sign up there and when you signed up, let’s say your monthly income is $1000 every month as you work hard bringing visitors to your website and showing Monetag ads.
I will get 5% of your earnings which means if you earn $1000 every month I can earn $50 from you every month by doing nothing but don’t worry you will get your full $1000 and the company will give me an extra $50.
So If my website visitors are 10000 monthly and from this target visitors 100 people signed up from my link and all 100 people’s income is $1000 monthly then I can earn from one source $50*100=$5000 by doing nothing or just writing a blog and there are also thousands of sources are waiting for me.
So you can’t imagine how much I can earn but again remember if you also want to earn like that you should be constant and keep patient and work hard by providing value to your audience focusing on your niche and learning some marketing tips to bring visitors and boom!
Sponsor Ads:
Sponsor ads are like banner ads on your website like Google Adsense but here different kinds of websites will give you monthly or weekly payment to display their ads and when people click on the banner, they will be redirected to the advertiser’s website and your audience might purchase their products.
When you have good traffic on your website you will get this kind of offer but you have to niche based website. Supposedly, If you have your WordPress blog in a tech niche you will get sponsor ads from those who are selling technical-related products, not medical-related products.
You can also knock them in their mail, Facebook, or LinkedIn telling them that I have 5000 visitors who all are related to the tech niche and your product is also tech niche. Are you interested in showing your banner on our website? we will just take a small monthly charge.
Thus many can feel interested in showing their ads on your website. You can charge $100 to $500 or less or more depending on the web traffic on your WordPress blog. When you get higher visitors you can charge more and more.
Sell Your Own Products:
If you have your own product, you can also sell it on your website which has Woocmmerce functionalities. For example, I am writing blogs to get organic visitors and also target visitors who will make a website for their business if they want. Because many of you don’t have time to make a website or other things although I am training A to Z through my blogs.
So in that case, I can also make money from selling a website. Another example is that If you have a restaurant in your local area, you may get target visitors on your website and showcase your restaurant menu and products as well. So in this case you can make double the profit from blogging and your products.
Sell Other Products:
You can also sell other products on your website that are relevant to your niche. For example, you are writing about gadgets like gadgets reviews and after reviewing the product you can tell your audience that if you want to buy this product contact me.
Some of your audiences contacted you to buy those products and you purchased that product from your relevant & trusted source or manufacturer. Then you delivered the product to your audience who ordered the product. Thus you can make a lot of profits.
Become A Sales Manager:
You can also become a sales manager of any property in your locality. For example, You have seen a restaurant near you but they don’t have any online presence or they know to operate only on Facebook, or don’t have time to get extra visitors to handle online.
You can approach them and I will make a website for you and also start content marketing. You will get a lot of extra restaurant visitors that increase your sales but in return when an order comes to deliver a product online from my website, you have to give me a minimum of 10% to 20% per order and when visitors come to your restaurant directly you don’t have to pay me.
Thus you can income from the restaurant website and from food blogs that you will be writing on the restaurant website and earn money with ads. You can apply this theory to a shop to make an eCommerce site. In spite of not having your own shop, you can earn a lot from this process or becoming a sales manager.
Sell Your Blog Website:
When you can earn with your blog, you can bid to sell your blog website on flippa.com. For example, if you can earn $1000 monthly from blogging you can sell your website for $24000.
Thus you can earn a lot by investing your time to make money on blogging for 1 year and then sell it if you are capable of making money from your blogs again.
Accept Donation:
You can also accept donations to get motivated in writing. Just keep a system to get donations from others on buymeacoffee.com or a similar website.
Just produce helpful content according to your niche. Who finds it helpful and eager to give you support by buying a coffee for you.
Paid Membership:
You can also keep a paid membership for your special blogs like a course. But in my opinion, by selling a course you also produce free content to get visitors and the main course to guide and support from beginning to end.
Thus paid membership works and you can earn money with your paid membership plan.
Final Touch:
In short, You can start a WordPress blog and make money but you have to be patient and constant and you need to take time 1 to 2 years if you want to succeed in blogging.
Otherwise don’t jump into the blog for nothing. If you see history, Bloggers who have dedicated for a long time now are earning thousands of dollars even millions of dollars and those who come and give up in 4/5 months can’t prosper in another sector as well.
So Keep calm and research to start a WordPress blog and ultimately you can make money very well if you go with strategy and focus on learning about blogging.